The best choice for your payroll administration

With our 20+ years of experience, 10.000+ companies and 200+ administrative offices that rely on Payroll4, we can guarantee the correct payroll calculations in every situation. More than 100 checks are automatically performed to ensure that you are doing your payroll administration correctly. And all essential tools for Human Resource Management are fully integrated.

Free Payroll4 DownloadFree Payroll4 Course

Experience it for yourself. Download and install Payroll4 now and try it 2 months free of charge and without any obligation. This gives you the opportunity to set up your payroll and fully test this unique program before you switch. And if you have questions at all, we provide support 7 days a week.

The most loved salary package

Using Payroll4 is up to 5x faster than any website. That is because Payroll4 is based on the familiar Microsoft Office user environment and offers unparalleled speed and user-friendliness. The positive feedback from our thousands of loyal customers helps us to continuously develop Payroll4 and to strengthen our position as market leader.

In 4 minutes you will see how to install Payroll4, enter a company with employees, and make the salary slips.

Importantly, all information can easily be viewed with over 40 different reports, including 4 types of salary slips, the digital wage sheet, and bulk banking orders for online banking. You can print reports, store them digitally or, for example, email payslips directly from within Payroll4 to the employees.

We care about your privacy

With Payroll4, your payroll administration is not on the internet, but on your own computer. Therefore, only you have access to personal data and salaries. The confidential data cannot be viewed by website administrators, developers, authorities, or hackers. And your data will never be used for marketing purposes.

five stars

"Keep doing the good job, this is service. Thumbs up!!!"

- Shomayra

five stars

"Werkt perfect, bedankt voor deze snelle service op zondag."

- Ronald

five stars

"Thank you again for your great support and super programs!"

- Addita

five stars

"Het werkt als een tierelier!

- Gart"

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